中村 六三郎等 芝居囃子 十二ヶ月 ニッポン ホーン 希少!!!

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Seller ktfive2008
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Current Price 1000 JPY
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Buy It Now Price 2900 JPY
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Number of Bids 0
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Auction Detail
Product Qty 1
Starting Price 1000 JPY
Starting Time Sep/22/2024 11:54:52
Ending Time Sep/29/2024 11:55:20
Condition used60
Auction ID k310189703
Original Japanese name 中村 六三郎等 芝居囃子 十二ヶ月 ニッポン ホーン 希少!!!

Item Description

Translation is provided as a convenience. You agree that you understand the original auction details written in Japanese and are fully responsible to bid on this item.

中村 六三郎等 芝居囃子 十二ヶ月 ニッポン ホーン 希少!!!の出品です 
A面 正月 (壽恵方初春) B面 二月(初荷際)です