【 盆栽用品・鉢 】 落款有り 『 反縁下紐雲足正方鉢 ( 清荷堂制 ) 』/ 中国鉢 盆栽鉢 正方形鉢 角鉢 小品盆栽 鉢 植木鉢 中国 盆器

 Seller Info

Seller machinoshokubutsu
Rating Feedback

Current Price 2500 JPY
Tax 0 JPY
Number of Bids 0
Time Left
Auction Detail
Product Qty 1
Starting Price 2500 JPY
Starting Time Apr/27/2024 22:16:14
Ending Time May/04/2024 22:16:42
Condition used40
Auction ID t1121972170

Item Description

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