Prohibited Items
These are the prohibited items for each country.
Prohibited Items(FedEx)
FedEx Prohibited Items
Note: Foodstuffs (food and beverages) and pharmaceuticals (including contact lenses) destined for the U.S. or Canada must be pre-certified by the local FDA. In principle, we do not apply for pre-certification. In the unlikely event that you wish to ship foodstuffs or medicines using this shipping method, please contact our customer support in advance.
Prohibited Items(EMS・Air・Surface)
East Asia
China / Hong Kong / South Korea / Macao / Taiwan
Southeast Asia
Brunei Darussalam / Indonesia / Malaysia / Philippines / Singapore / Thailand / Vietnam
South Asia
Middle East
Bahrain / Jordan / Kuwait / Lebanon / Oman / Qatar / Saudi Arabia / United Arab Emirates
North America
Central and South America
Austria / Belgium / Bulgaria / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Belarus / Switzerland / Cyprus / Czech Republic / Germany / Denmark / Spain / Estonia / Finland / France / United Kingdom / Greece / Croatia / Hungary / Ireland / Iceland / Italy / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Latvia / Monaco / Malta / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / San Marino / Serbia / Slovakia / Slovenia / Sweden / Ukraine