BELL SRT ヘルメットLサイズ B+comOne 付き
Seller: jiroken76
Domestic Shipping (Japan) Paid By: The shipping mentioned here pertains to the delivery from the seller to the BuyJapon warehouse. You will still be responsible for the shipping fee to have the package sent from the BuyJapon warehouse to your address. | Seller |
Early Finish: If this option is set to "Yes," the seller has the ability to end the auction before the scheduled closing time. The highest bidder at the moment of termination will be declared the winner. | Yes |
Automatic Extension: If this option is set to "Yes," and a higher bid is placed within the last 5 minutes of the auction, the original ending time will be extended by an additional 5 minutes. This extension will occur each time the highest bid is updated. | Yes |
Auction ID: | w1124611309 |
Original Japanese name: | BELL SRT ヘルメットLサイズ B+comOne 付き |
Item Description
Translation is provided as a convenience. You agree that you understand the original auction details written in Japanese and are fully responsible to bid on this item.
BELL SRT ヘルメット Lサイズの出品です。新品のシールドを2枚(スモーク,ダークスモーク)付。
B+com one も付属します。
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