LP☆ 活辨流行歌 さすらい特集篇 松田春翠 ☆

 Seller Info

Seller kanopyjp
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Current Price 2480 JPY
Tax 0 JPY
Number of Bids 0
Time Left
Auction Detail
Product Qty 1
Starting Price 2480 JPY
Starting Time Sep/18/2024 21:20:54
Ending Time Sep/25/2024 21:21:22
Condition used20
Auction ID q287198063
Original Japanese name LP☆ 活辨流行歌 さすらい特集篇 松田春翠 ☆

Item Description

Translation is provided as a convenience. You agree that you understand the original auction details written in Japanese and are fully responsible to bid on this item.

レーベル:コロムビア AP-7041

  1. さすらい
  2. 急げ幌馬車
  3. サーカスの唄
  4. ダンチョネ節
  5. 国境の町
  6. さすらいの唄
  1. 流転
  2. 越後獅子の唄
  3. 旅のつばくろ
  4. ひばりの渡り鳥だよ
  5. 沓掛小唄
  6. 旅笠道中