【LP】007は二度死ぬ(YS862UA日本コロムビアUA1967年国内独自ジャケ初回ジョンバリーYOU ONLY LIVE TWICE/FIRST PRESS)

 Seller Info

Seller hirunemogura
Rating Feedback

Current Price 5000 JPY
Tax 0 JPY
Number of Bids 0
Time Left
Auction Detail
Product Qty 1
Starting Price 5000 JPY
Starting Time Sep/16/2024 07:12:45
Ending Time Sep/23/2024 07:13:13
Condition used20
Auction ID m1001114504
Original Japanese name 【LP】007は二度死ぬ(YS862UA日本コロムビアUA1967年国内独自ジャケ初回ジョンバリーYOU ONLY LIVE TWICE/FIRST PRESS)

Item Description

Translation is provided as a convenience. You agree that you understand the original auction details written in Japanese and are fully responsible to bid on this item.




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