英語動物「DK Encyclopedia of Animals動物百科」Dorling Kinderley 2006年版 376頁 US$19.99 1.51㎏ 27.6×21.7×2.5㎝ Paperback  *10歳以上対象

【内容紹介】Discover why some birds fly, but others don't. Get close to bugs and beetles you never knew existed. Swim with fish and sea mammals. Fall in love with baby animals. Go on an African safari. Meet the tiny things you can't see, but live closer to you than you could ever imagine!
Featuring more than 2,000 animal species, from aardvark to zebra, this animal encyclopedia for children is packed with stunning close-up photographs of animals and awesome facts. You'll discover how animals and plants live together in their natural habitats and how we can help endangered species.

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