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漢字 Kanji character material data arts Japanese Chinese 437 characters 4,470P

Original image that is not published anywhere
All Kanji characters have positive and beautiful meanings
Personal Business Copyright-free
Rights permissions None required
Usage Free
Processing Reproduction Free
All jpg images (Only the folder "With_Eng_100P" is a png image)
All high resolution beautiful photos

Sending : 7-ZIP file
Prohibition : Resale of data
DL and decompression time : Several hours

Data capacity

1.41 GB (1,515,017,486 byte)
Number of files : 4,470
Number of folders : 438

List of Kanji characters used
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 寿 |||||||| 駿 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 椿 ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 耀 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Translate meaning of Kanji

With_Eng_100P | 亜 Asia | 愛 Love | 茜 Madder | 旭 Rising_sun | 絢 Dainty | 安 Safe | 庵 Hermitage | 偉 Great | 意 Will | 育 Nurture | 一 One | 逸 Deviation | 羽 Feather | 栄 Prosperity | 英 Hero | 円 Circle | 温 Warm | 穏 Gentle | 歌 Song | 花 Flower | 華 Blooming | 賀 Congratulation | 雅 Elegance | 快 Pleasure | 絵 Drawing | 開 Open | 学 Learning | 楽 Comfort | 活 Activity | 喜 Joy | 嬉 Glad | 貴 Noble | 輝 Brilliance | 義 Righteousness | 吉 Good_luck | 丘 Hill | 弓 Bow | 京 Kyo | 強 Strength | 玉 Ball | 啓 Enlightenment | 恵 Blessing | 結 Tie | 健 Health | 剣 Sword | 賢 Wise | 己 Oneself | 護 Protection | 光 Light | 好 Like | 幸 Happiness | 紅 Crimzon | 彩 Colour | 才 Talent | 冴 Clarity | 桜 Cherry_blossom | 慈 Kindness | 七 Seven | 若 Young | 秀 Preeminence | 純 Pure | 勝 Win | 昇 Ascent | 上 Up | 心 Heart | 新 New | 真 True | 仁 Benevolence | 生 Live | 聖 Holy | 誠 Sincerity | 閃 Flash | 善 Goodness | 想 Idea | 大 Big | 暖 Warmth | 知 Wisdom | 兆 Trillion | 天 Heaven | 道 Way | 徳 Virtue | 日 Sun | 飛 Flying | 美 Beautiful | 富 Wealth | 歩 Walk | 夢 Dream | 優 Superiority | 勇 Courage | 友 Friend | 良 Good | 緑 Green | 和 Peace | 昴 Pleiades | 絆 Relationship | 翔 Soaring | 萬 Ten_thousand | 逞 Bravery | 遖 Praiseworthy | 颯 Gallop